Saturday 13 October 2012

Topic Exposure

The first time i got my hands on the project i wasn't sure what i wanted but for some reason i kept dreaming of this female great character with an isometric hair cut (as if there wasn't enough already) from a japanese background, making characters before learning about cultures is fun and great lesson and after some thought about different ways of life the bushido, samurai was an instant awakening to me it's a sensational place to work on.. The masks of the samurai and the fear of the horse back samurai with a drawn sword is like.. OAWH man gimmi!! The fear and skill of a samurai i wanted to combine with the beauty yet delicate japanese geishas.

The first time i got my hands on the project i wasn't sure what i wanted but for some reason i kept dreaming of this female great character with an isometric hair cut (as if there wasn't enough already) from a japanese background, making characters before learning about cultures is fun and great lesson and after some thought about different ways of life the bushido, samurai was an instant awakening to me it's a sensational place to work on.. The masks of the samurai and the fear of the horse back samurai with a drawn sword is like.. OAWH man gimmi!! The fear and skill of a samurai i wanted to combine with the beauty yet delicate japanese geishas..

I've watched both movies and memoirs of a geisha EWWWW i didn't know they did dirty things.. nasty but anyway as i was saying delicate and beautiful.

My art based exclusively on the female to begin with came out like this i didn't use these art pieces and decided to scrap the art directions i was taking but still kept the samurai female idea's. here they are some are scruffy as it's kind of shabby art the idea was sketch.

Isometric Hair.. So over used.

               Helmets and horns..

             Nose's and crests..

 The beautiful katana.

Another head.. another set of horns..

Pretty nice head..

 Some Arm Plates and haha i wish i knew japanese

Me stupidly jumping into a High detail art piece.

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