Saturday 27 October 2012

ART.. Meet Yukiko


The final design of my character, a strong individual women who joins the bushido in order to restore order in her village in a remote mountainous japanese village, This individual female character is called 'Yukiko' meaning 'Rare-Child' which fits nicely into her life scenario

Her Armour is Inspired by two influences Geisha and Samurai even though they are both two very different styles they are mixed together with Yukiko in one fashionable Revival!

                                  Mixing Styles.


The two styles i have mixed together really do meet at a 50:50 point because half of Yuki's body is Geisha whilst the other half is samurai oriented. On the picture to the right you can see half of Yuki this half is the geisha inspired side of her body all of her clothing and layers of armour (Under the clothing/Invisible) are inspired by the traditional japanese entertainer. I've also tried to keep the body purely for combat but the style for me i felt was important to keep such a profile for the her as she is of course a women of fight, she isn't exactly going to have her boobs out on display like some kind of... i don't know you catch my drift.



in the samurai side of Yuki you can see the difference in style with this side being solely armour with a stricter look on the bushido ways visually represented on this side of the body the mask conveys this with it's visually fearsome design, made solely to strike fear into the enemy which is why i didn't crop the mask in this image.

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