Thursday 11 October 2012

Bushido (Way of the Samurai)

The Picture above is of traditional japanese cherry blossom with the japanese character for Cherry blossom (Sakura) the use of this image is that my character is a female who takes the traditions japanese samurai warrior and swaps the role of samurai wife to defeat the tradition of male only samurai to conquer her enemies for the will of the emperor.

 Here is an image of a Japanese wife of a samurai, The samurai follows an incredible way of life that i've always admired, the honour, sacrifice and discipline in not only in their training but as a code of war is amazing, this image we see to the left has a strong story to it with the wife on her knees bound from the shins to prevent any involuntary movements during this act of suicide (Jigai). Japanese females would have been taught this method of suicide at even the early stages of childhood to prevent capture from enemies and in turn destroying the dishonourable fact of rape on capture..

..The sheer commitment to ones believes, to endure such an indescribable pain is something that many cultures far across into the past and future cannot say they possess.

The way of a Samurai and everything around it is truly incredible.

This image of a blade wrapped in cloth is the blade used for the japanese method of capture suicide (Jigai) the blade itself is called a (Wakisashi)


Here is the male samurai repairing for a suicide (Seppuku) with a ritual before the suicide, Seppuku also known as known as harakiri ("Cutting the Belly") could be used not only for dishonouring the way of the samurai (Bushido) but even for capital punishment for dishonorable crimes samurai may have committed or simply any form of dis-honour.

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