Saturday 13 October 2012

The Gray Stuff

Here's a beautifully defocused shot of my
grey stuff model, in this photograph i got screwed sideways by the A-F and it thought i was taking a picture of the eyeless pedo behind my female samurai. The piece is pretty nice and is pretty close up to my art work as far as the Zbrush model is concerned and the hand drawn art is concerned, The  Design work started on week one and through half good luck and half voodoo ability i pulled out a pretty nice model..

Oh and this wasn't my first attempt stupidly i was trying to listen, honest i was.. but i didn't hear anyone say you had to mix anything.. and i fully used up a golf ball worth of soft clay and didn't realise i had to mix it and only realised a day later when i came to get my model back that it.. was.. still.. wet. I got the total mickey taken out of me by the games dev crew, cried a little then restarted so actually this photo is of my second attempt. So... Drew if you're reading this sorry i screwed your resources and if you're not Drew haha your not Drew..

..Here's a few pictures that i didn't muck up!


    Should have used manual focus....

Wish i had cut the piece of clay for the helmet longer the visor was meant to reach over the the eye level but it fell short.

I'll be next making 'Cheek protectors' to cover the cheek area also the neck will be covered from attacks (if it was real) head looks very round cheek protectors will rest on the face as a support feminine head shape will be necessary near completion

    The three ear things are 'crests' traditional samurai men have them on their helmet as a representation of their village keeping traditional trends are a vital in my art

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