Wednesday 31 October 2012

Relevance of Topology

Topology in play

The topology in my work is of a certain standard where as every piece of work made in Zbrush is true to my art forms in every way i've developed a technique where the workload is almost doubled i know i can put the effort in and get through it eventually the angle i taken my work pace at initially is kind of stupid but the end results speak for themselves where in the end i'm seeing people having a 'fairly' true form i've got always a perfect form to where my art is identical to the model and in this case thats the key.. so laid out on paper in my sketchbooks each of the arts are measured up and ready to sculpt the process of making the character 'Yukiko' in my case started with the initial direction of anything is maya from the beginning i've image plane traced all my art in the X and Y axis on the front and side leaving Zbrush to fill in the Z space by using the divide mesh tool.

The reason why it's a longer process is that i had to do everything in maya          
before i even touched Zbrush i've already got a character with great typology resulting in a perfect 3D representation of true topology (Based on art) laid out in front of me rather than the messy see how it looks and change it traditional perspective on the work

It's been risky but so far so good and i have a body of a female created that very nice and true to my art in every way her distinct waistline and legs make it far superior with the other method of topology my colleagues have used, I think my way is better because it still means i'm learning Zbrush but the messy human error style legs aren't correct size stance is incorrect muscle displacement issues and dealt with before a computer is even turned on. of course this does have it's limitations the work load is double my peers i won't possibly get to texture my model but holy S*** i'm willing to stay up all night to get to that stage because i day i stand up there with the best model i've ever made i'll be proud. Proud that i took something else away from the tutorials of simon and made his work way my own.  

Check Out Yuki

Made a quick YouTube upload of the head at the moment better than images i guess..
More will be uploaded to this project and posted on this POST.

Enjoy ..


Sunday 28 October 2012

Head Re-make

 Here you can see the remaking of the head. The poly count is displayed in the preview of the tool because my layout in Zbrush is not default so thats how i would see the poly count on a display


           Secondary view

      SIDE VIEW 

              View from above

          TOP DOWN


Side View

Here's the collection of armour pieces for the head before i take it into Zbrush

Quarter View.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Armour Maya Work

Cheek Protectors

Samurai warriors use different plates hinged onto various parts of armour to protect vulnerable places from attacks this certain part of armour is a Cheek protector it hinges on the helmet and protects the neck to the cheek area. 


This is the hinge i will be be using to connect the cheek protectors to the helmet and if i need to use hinges anywhere else on the character this will be the hinge i use.


These are buffalo horns they act as a symbol of a samurai's village these horns are buffalo horns these the animal in which the horns are vary to the village and the meaning in which each animal brings to a culture.

Tri Plate

The tri plate is a section on the head used normally for mantras and motto's samurai's have from their village or sometimes from the samurai himself.

On Yukiko's tri plate it has three japanese characters on it. (Right to left)




Gray Stuff GIF

The gray stuff model at the moment is half good and half bad to be honest in this GIF you can't see the chest very well but as you can tell the chest is very thin i've done the head wrong with the wrong head shape and with pretty much no neck i don't really think i've done very well but to honest i'm still proud of it because the work i've done is good from a FRONT perspective it looks the part but from all round it looks pretty bad i'm not happy with it but to be honest at least my gray model doesn't have eyes bigger than it's head and things wrong with like some other peoples.  

ART.. Meet Yukiko


The final design of my character, a strong individual women who joins the bushido in order to restore order in her village in a remote mountainous japanese village, This individual female character is called 'Yukiko' meaning 'Rare-Child' which fits nicely into her life scenario

Her Armour is Inspired by two influences Geisha and Samurai even though they are both two very different styles they are mixed together with Yukiko in one fashionable Revival!

                                  Mixing Styles.


The two styles i have mixed together really do meet at a 50:50 point because half of Yuki's body is Geisha whilst the other half is samurai oriented. On the picture to the right you can see half of Yuki this half is the geisha inspired side of her body all of her clothing and layers of armour (Under the clothing/Invisible) are inspired by the traditional japanese entertainer. I've also tried to keep the body purely for combat but the style for me i felt was important to keep such a profile for the her as she is of course a women of fight, she isn't exactly going to have her boobs out on display like some kind of... i don't know you catch my drift.



in the samurai side of Yuki you can see the difference in style with this side being solely armour with a stricter look on the bushido ways visually represented on this side of the body the mask conveys this with it's visually fearsome design, made solely to strike fear into the enemy which is why i didn't crop the mask in this image.